How well do you know me?
July, 2022
A CLI App made with NodeJS to determine how well do you know me.
Are you an Ultimate FRIENDS Fan?
July, 2022
Are you an FRIENDS Fan? Let's take quiz and see!
Personal Portfolio
July, 2022
My Personal Portfolio developed using HTML, CSS and JS containing my Projects and Blogs.
Banana Language
July, 2022
A fun transalation app developed using Vanilla JS to transalate English language to Minion's Banana language.
Translation App
July, 2022
An app to translate your input to a different language selected by user.
Emoji Dictionary
July, 2022
An app developed using React JS to interpret the meaning of various emojis.
Cash Register Manager
July, 2022
An application which will take the bill Amount and cash given by the customer as input and output the change to be given back to the customer.
Is Your Birthday Lucky ?
July, 2022
This app takes user's DOB and his/her Lucky Number as the input and give the output stating if his/her Birthday is lucky or not.
Fun With Triangles
July, 2022
App developed using React to test your knowledge about Triangles. Have a look at it!
Birthday Palindrome
July, 2022
App developed using React to check if your Birthday is a palindrome.
Investing right?
July, 2022
App developed using React to check if you have gained profit or incurred loss from the stocks you have bought.